"The Code of Ordinances of the City of Marengo, Iowa, 2006"
"The Code of Ordinances of the City of Marengo, Iowa, 2006" make up the body of laws governing our city. Each chapter that makes up the complete code can be seen in the links below. If you have any questions regarding city code, please feel free to call City Hall at (319) 642-3232 or come visit us at 153 E. Main St.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS I looked at some code sections and it appears there are pages missing between chapters. Could you explain? The Code of Ordinances is created to govern the city. Over time, city councils decide they want to change or add new rules. When new sections or ordinances are added to the code, the chapter changes. If the change is long enough, it may change page numbers in the document. To leave room for these increases and new chapters, gaps in page numbers are left when the code was recodified.
How does the Code of Ordinances change? To change a City Ordinance (Code), the Council must set a date and time for a public hearing. Notice must be published in the local newspaper. A public hearing for the first reading of the proposed change is then held. This public hearing includes any council discussion and opportunity for public to provide feedback on the changes and is normally done at a regular city council meeting. Changes to code are required to go through three readings unless Council votes to suspend the regular rules, at which time second and third readings may be waived. This has not historically been done by the City Council to provide citizens with plenty of opportunity to voice their opinion.